04 Oct 11th International CONFERENCE “The Demographic Challenge, the Role of the Multi-Child/Large Families and the Future of Europe”
11th International CONFERENCE
“The Demographic Challenge, the Role of the Multi-Child/Large Families and the Future of Europe”
A hybrid one-day policy event in Athens,
in co-operation with the Social Administration Research Laboratory,
University of West Attica, in the framework of the Conference for the Future
of Europe, on the 90th anniversary of ASPE’s life and contribution
When: October 18th, 2021
Where: The Ancient Olive Grove Campus Conference Center, University of West Attica
Livestreaming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oL90F2iyfBM
Coordinator: Maria Balodimou, Journalist.
9.00 – 10.30 Welcome addresses (have been invited):
– Archbishop of Greece, Mr. Ieronymos
– President of the Republic, Mrs. Katerina Sakellaropoulou
– Prime Minister, Mr. Kyriakos Mitsotakis
– Head of Political Parties: Mr Alexis Tsipras, Mrs. Fofi Gennimata, Mr. Dimitrios Koutsoumpas, Mr. Kyriakos Velopoulos, Mr. G. Varoufakis
– Rector of the University of West Attica, Prof. Panagiotis Kaldis
– Representation of EU in Greece, Mr. Giorgos Moschovis
– President of the POP / Cyprus, Mr Ntinos Olympios
– President of ASPE, Mr Vassilios Theotokatos.
10.30 – 11:00 Opening addresses:
– Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs (EU policies) Mr Miltiades Varvitsiotes
– Deputy Minister of Demography and Family Mrs Maria Syregella
– Vice-President of the European Commission for Democracy and Demography Mrs. D. Suica.
11.00 – 11.15 Break
11.15 – 12.45 Session I
1. “Large families in Europe: present and future”. Mrs. Regina Maronzelli-Florio, President of ELFAC
2. «Families as the barometer of society» His eminence Metropolitan Athanasios, D.Phil., Director of the Representation of the Church of Greece in the European Union
3. “Contemporary issues for families in Europe”. Dr. (Mrs) Antonia Torrens, Vice President of COFACE-Families Europe, President of KMOP.
4. “The controversial approach to families in the new EU inclusive development agendas”, Prof. (Mr.) Gabriel Amitsis, Director of the Social Administration Research Laboratory – University of West Attica. Vice President of Housing Europe
12.45 – 13.45 Break
13.45 – 15:15 Session II
1. Presentation of Diplomas to Greek cities for their membership to the European Network of Family Friendly cities.
Presenting committee: President and General Secretary of ELFAC (European Coordination), Vice-President and General Secretary of ASPE (as the national coordinator for Greece).
2. “The 90 years contribution of ASPE to the Greek society”, Mr. Charalambos Pavlos, Director of ASPE.
3. Best practices in Family support by Local Authorities
- Mr. Costas Bakogiannis, Mayor of Athens.
- Dr. (Mr.) Michalis Christakis, President of the Union of General Secretaries of the Municipalities “Klisthenis”
4. “Demographic policies in Greece and Europe: An initial assessment”, Dr. Costas Geormas, General Director – Organization of Welfare Benefits and Social Solidarity
15.15 – 15.30 Break
15.30 – 17.00 Session III
1. “Best practices for the support of large families in European countries”, Mr. Raul Sanchez, Secretary General of ELFAC
2. «Opinions of EESC on the demographic problem and the case of Hungary», Mrs. King Joo, Representative of NOE (Hungary), Member of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)
3. “Risk of poverty for families with children – What is at stake?” Mr. Luciano Calestini, Head of the UNICEF Office in Greece
4. “The role of education and of the civil society in tackling the demographic problem”. Mr. Yiannis Paidas, President of the Economic and Social Committee of Greece, School Teacher/ Educationist.